
Showing posts with the label lie by omission

Winner Takes All - or - why the playing field is so slanted

As we are getting closer to the US election the question as to why characters like Trump and Biden the candidates of choice are pops up again. A big part of the underlying cause of why politics in the US are moving more to extremes is the unrelenting, ever increasing wealth inequality – or, more accurately – the awareness of huge inequality in society. To take this one step further, it is not so much that We, The People, are equal (because we are not) but that we should have access to an equal opportunity set. And we don’t. After the ’08 financial crises and subsequent bailouts of the financial system, the Occupy Wall Street movement fomented. It was a general protest against the corrosive power of moneyed interests over democracy itself. Eventually it somewhat fizzled out but the notion that when there is a crises Wall Street gets bailed out while Main Street does not was a bit more obvious and has lingered since. Occupy Wall Street also made the 1%/99% part of our everyday la...